Hi! My name's Steve. 
구글 마케팅 에이전시 ICC 대표 스티븐 리비어

My team and I take businesses to the top of Google search.

Google Marketing Agency InterCultural Communications

I arrived in South Korea in 1995 and have been fortunate enough to live in this great country ever since.

스티븐 리비어 한국어교육 석사
In 2004 I got my MEd. in "Teaching Korean as a Second Language" from Yonsei University Graduate School of Education.

I’ve written two books teaching Korean – “Survival Korean” and “Survival Korean Basic Grammar Skills“. I also got to teach Korean on Arirang TV


스티븐 리비어 아리랑 TV에서 가르치는 스크린 캡처
엿날 아리랑 TV에서 한국어 가르치는 대표

In 2008, I started the magazine to help foreigners living in Korea who didn’t speak Korean enjoy more of the country. At the time, it was much harder to get information about Korea in English.

10mag.com is still going strong and ranks at the top for hundreds of Google searches related to Korea.

I used what I learned from that experience to start ICC.

No one in Korea knew Google like we knew Google.

Originally we were doing all kinds of digital marketing. We ran social media in South Korea for one of America’s largest wine brands, built websites for a variety of businesses and tried our hand at Naver blogs for some small businesses.

But then we realized that there was one thing that we could do better than almost anyone in Korea: get to the top of Google search.

You see, it’s a very complicated process, whether it’s through paid Google Ads or organic search engine optimization or coding schema to get into rich results.

We have 3 advantages here:

  1. We can learn from English resources and implement in Korean.
  2. We have a decade of experience getting to the top of Google.
  3. Everyone else is targeting Naver.


And now you know why we chose to focus on this niche.

Now my team and I help businesses get to the top of Google search.

Our Goal

Data-Driven Marketing With Remarkable ROI

Contact ICC

More conversions for less money.

We are constantly studying for the state-of-the-art techniques to get to the top of both Google Ads & Google organic search. 

We build websites loved by Google and other search engines – including Naver. (Which is not primarily a search engine, but anyway…)

We use analytics and conversion tracking to accomplish exactly 2 things:

  1. Provide our clients with the absolute best return on marketing spend.
  2. Provide our followers with the latest information on marketing in Korea via Google and elsewhere.

If you’re interested in getting help running Google ads, getting SEO help, managing your Google business profile, developing a Google-friendly website, and more from the best experts in Korea, fill out this application to see if ICC is right for you.

If you’re interested in learning about Google Search, Google Ads, and all things Google, join our email list.