Website Conversions Explained

10 January 2024

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Website Conversions Explained in Plain English

Sometimes we get approached by clients who want us to set up Google Ads campaigns.

However, first they need website conversions explained to them and work done on their website before we can help them. 

Why would we not just run their ad campaign?

Because their website is so poorly built that we know it just won’t get conversions. 

The last thing we want is to run an unsuccessful Google Ads campaign and then have the client blame us – when the problem is actually their website. 

In this case, we offer to improve or rebuild their website before we can help them with Google Ads. Sadly, they often go to another agency and just run Google Ads – and waste a lot of time & money.

Conversions Are Why You Built a Website In the First Place

Websites exist to motivate visitors to take an action, right?

Well that action is called a “conversion” to those of us who specialize in website development and digital marketing.  

What is a Website Conversion? 

A website conversion is any desired action taken by a visitor on a website.

Yup. A conversion is whatever you decide it is. 

It could be as simple as reading to the end of a blog post. 

It could be making a purchase on your ecommerce website. 

Or it could be filling out a form with personal information including, name, email address and phone number. 

Maybe even clicking on a button – or anything else you can imagine. It is what you say it is. 

Types of Website Conversions Explained

Conversions come in all shapes and sizes depending on your business and goals. Some website conversions to be aware of include:

Lead Generation Conversions

If you run any kind of lead gen promotion, free trial, quiz, or giveaway on your website, signups are important conversions. These are a great way to get names, emails, and user interests to help with further marketing.

Content Engagement Conversions

Many sites track content-focused conversions like downloads, reading time, clicks, comments or shares as indicators of audience interest and traffic quality.

Ecommerce Purchase Conversions Explained

For online stores, adding items to cart, promotions claimed, purchases made, and repeat orders placed are clearly vital money-making conversions.

Chat & Call Conversions Explained

If you offer website chat or click-to-call features, interactions here demonstrate interest. First-call resolution rates also matter.

Newsletter Signup Conversions Explained

Adding visitors to your email subscriber lists via newsletter signups allows you to target them for repeat engagement. Great for blogs, services sites, and stores.

Not all conversions are created equal.

Some conversions are small steps in the right direction while others represent your ultimate goals.

The professionals divide these different types of conversions into primary and secondary targeted actions – smaller actions and bigger actions. Except we like to use jargon like this:

Micro and Macro Conversions Explained

Micro Conversions – Baby Steps

A micro conversion is a small step forward for a visitor along their journey to eventually become a customer. Things like newsletter signups, clicking a CTA button, spending more than 2 minutes reading a blog post – these are all micro conversions.They indicate interest and intent even if someone isn’t ready to buy yet. Tracking micro conversions helps you understand engagement.

Macro Conversions – Pulling the Trigger

A macro conversion is your top level conversion, usually directly tied to making money. Purchases on an ecommerce site, form submissions, service inquiries, program registrations. Anything that drives real revenue is a macro conversion.Getting more macro conversions is key even if it means having visitors take micro conversion steps first.

Conversion Tracking Explained

What is Conversion Tracking?

It’s one of the most important things you can set up for your website.Considering you want people to take these actions on your site you should be tracking when they happen right?

Why Conversion Tracking is Crucial

Without tracking, you’re in the dark. You won’t know if your website is effective or if your marketing efforts are paying off. Conversion tracking provides insights into user behavior, helping you refine your strategy for better results.

Tools for Conversion Tracking

It all starts with some sort of Analytics software. Most people use Google Analytics.  We are partial to Plausible Analytics because of its great privacy features and incredible simplicity. We import the tracking into the backend of client websites so they can easily see themselves what’s going on without logging into another account. 

The Conversion Key Opens the Door to Data-Driven Decisions

With the data from conversion tracking, you can make informed decisions. You can optimize your website, adjust your marketing strategies, and enhance user experience to improve conversion rates.Understanding and tracking conversions are fundamental to the success of your website. Now you can stop flying blind and start making data-driven decisions. If you need help with Google Ads or website development and conversion tracking, head on over to our lead generation form and give us a conversion today. 

Steve Revere

Since arriving in Korea in 1995, Steve has dedicated himself to learning about Korean language and culture. Since 2017, he's been helping companies practice data-driven digital marketing.

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